Thursday, April 3, 2014

The luxurious beach resort on cape Muroto

After a while of slow but pompuous ride in the sportscar, I ask the guys to leave me at the parking area. From there, I spend some time looking for shells at the beach. Then, the rain started to fall.
My ride to Muroto cape
I reach the beach resort before the rain got too heavy. Then, I take out Nobuko's hotel letter and hand it to the reception.
Basically it says: Can I sleep somewhere around here for free? I am not looking for a hotel room, just a place to put my mattress.

Cape muroto
The receptionist is really embarassed, he calls the manager who also seems very embarassed and he hands me a phone. A very nice and very embarassed lady is speaking, she is his employee and tells me that I can't sleep at that resort because it is against the rules. Nice display of courage right there, using his employee as a human shield against unexpected situations. I can understand a negative answer (although I may write sarcastically about it) but I can't understand how a human being can be such a coward and sleep at night. I have witnessed such cowardice before, another japanese company in China; when I was asking for a free flight.
I assure the nice lady that there is no problem but she has too much of a gentle heart to let me sleep outside.
"Can you come home? But I am sorry we leave early in the morning. Is it still ok?"
Of course it is OK though I check that she didn't feel pressured into inviting me in, I would not want that. She lives in a traditional japanese house west of Muroto cape, that is in the direction in which I am going anyway: towards Kochi.
At home, safe from the rain
This is going well, I even get dinner and a hot bath. Yes, a hot bath, they have a bathtub at home. I may not get a room at theluxurious beach resort at cape muroto but I have a beautiful big room with a comfortable bed and a bathtub with citrus fruits floating, it is good for the skin, says my host.

Citrus fruits are good for the skin.

This is my room for the night
It is amazing the level of comfort and luxury that I experience here in Japan. People are really nice, they have a good higene, clean homes atough they always think that their place is a mess and as the Korean people, they have an understanding for privacy. Plus, the food is excellent; I really enjoy hitchhiking in Japan, it is something that I am happy to experience in my life.

At six in the morning the parents drive me to Kochi. They have some business to attend there and they buy me breakfast. I now have quite a lot of provisions in my bag: my 4 remaining instant noodle soups from Korea, the rice cakes from mountains on Shikoku, shrimp chips from the same place and now a bag of biscuits from Cape Muroto. That is, in addition to the breakfast that I just got.
If I make a budget estimation, I haven't spent a dime in Japan and it has been a week. I have food for an additional 4 days and 1300 yen of donated money that I can use before even touching my budget of 2 euros per day.
Scrach that, I just recieved 1000 more yen so I have 2300 yen to use if the situation gets difficult. Though I'd rather save that money for Tokyo, I might spend some time there, it might be couchsurfing so I can forget about being taken care of financially.
I start hitchhiking around Kochi which is quite a big city and I get a ride, a man who takes me to the outskirts. He decides that we should visit a factory where they make crab sticks. Why not, so we visit a crab stick factory and see people who can make crab sticks very fast.
The more interesting thing however is that he then buys me a bunch of crab sticks, a can of saké and some buiscuits. That's more stuff to add to provisions and I think I can stop worrying about food, I am starting to get along just fine here in Japan.

For a long time, nobody stops. I am starting to wonder weather I should write the calssic "nihongo dekiru!" which means japanese can! and is a lie supposed to get me rides.

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