Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hurry towards Turkey part 1

written in a car from Slavonski Brod to Nis.
The waking up and preparations went slower than I expected, I kind of hoped we would start hitchhiking in the morning. Not because of Ante but because of us. At least we got a good night sleep and a wonderful breakfest. The food was excellent as always and... well everything was great. The Anteans are a bunch of silent people except the mother and Barbara. We left with food for two days and Ante kindly drove us to the pay tool east of Zagreb.

The initial plan was to get to Turkey today so the interesting part may begin. But since we got to the hitchhiking place at 1PM, this plan was compromised. We'd be lucky if we catch Belgrade.

There we caught a ride to Slavonski Brod with a blond lady and a boxing teacher who kept talking about sex. Ilona, of course, was taken when she heard about the boxing. Unfortunately he talked more about sex than boxing. He explained to me that his front teeth were missing because of licking too much and not ice cream if you see what I mean. But it was kind of fun. And they bought us coffee.

Thank you Petra for teaching me the word kurat, I heard it a lot during this conversation.

The blond lady, her name was Ljuba which means something like "lovely" got a glimpse of a car with NIS plates. She went and asked the driver if he would take us further and there we are, going to Nis.

So we drive to Nis with this guy who works in a company and also sails and dives and rides a motocross. From the pay toll before Nis we may catch a ride to the border. So we might sleep in the serbo-bulgarian border today.

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